Lisa's Art, Fantasy, and Paranormal Blog

On going spirit investigation

by on Apr.06, 2010, under Paranormal

we are still investigating, but over the last year we have noticed our dog Tipper looking up at a spot near our piano in the living room, at about the height of a person, and she looks to be watching very intently like she does when someone speaks to her. The piano is very old and has been in my husbands family for nearly a hundred years. OK, so it could just be some dust floating about, or a picture she likes on the wall I don’t know, but then in the family room she sometimes does the same thing, looking at a spot on the wall like she is listening to someone. This second spot is exactly on the opposite side of the wall from the piano, and is actually directly on the opposite side from the spot she was looking at. And now, only in recent weeks, our younger dog is doing it to, do we have an angel or a spirit watching over us all? Maybe, and ya know, what It is OK.

we will update this post when things happen

update 1 Lisa has heard A voice only once but was clear and almost child like

update 2 bumps and noises most likely not the spirit but when Lisa Is alone at night it soothes her now to talk with the spirit and we have named it Angel fitting to male or female april 1, 2010 sandy stared at living room wall with ears perked.

update 3 still trying to get a recording when we do will post.

update 4 just before Christmas 2010 we noticed a red stain on the ceiling above my husbands chair about the size of a half dollar, we are not sure of what it is as there is no real attic there, so no way to investigate it (it is a converted garage). It hasn’t gotten any larger. It doesn’t look very red in this pic, but it is actually very red. I will try to get a better pic another day.

Red Stain

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